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Tuesday, 16 October 2012
Welcome Lorrie Struiff
Thursday, 4 October 2012
Author Spotlight.
Monday, 24 September 2012
Welcome to T.J Dell
My Guest today is the lovely T.J. Dell. When she isn't reading or writing (which is almost never), she is enjoying a blissfully boring life with her family in Maryland. Her two greatest wishes are to serve on a Starfleet Starship or to be invited to join the Justice League. Sure her chances are slim, but she's a big believer in dreaming big.
When Evie Parker meets Lucas Spencer she begins to feel hope again. Lately she's been going through life in a fog and Lucas is all about teaching her how to have fun again. For the first time since the accident she knows what it means to be happy.
So who cares if Lucas is a little odd. It isn't that strange that she's never met his parents, or that teachers never seem to notice when he's late for class. Evie tries not to care, but on top of all his peculiar behavior she's been feeling kind of sick lately-- ever since she met Lucas actually.
When Lucas decides it is time to come clean with all his secrets Evie has to make some hard decisions.
All Evie wants is a little bit of normal in her life-- is that really too much to ask?
Lucas isn't normal, but he makes her happy. That should count for something. Evie thinks she can find a balance that will let her be normal and also be with him.
Of course she hadn't counted on adding his family into the mix, or his ex-girlfriend.
Life with an elf is never boring.
Lucas and Evie were finally at a place where Evie was comfortable with her mix of normal human teenager and fantastical elf boyfriend. Then she went and got herself crushed by a tree.
Evie wakes up with a whole lot of extra issues to deal with. Not the least of which is a trip inside the Veil to see Lucas's home. She never would have agreed to go if she'd known she was going to have her own secret to hide.
Genre:Young Adult Paranormal Romance
Publisher:Independently published
Release Date:May 21, 2012
Purchase Links: Amazon Barnes and Nobel Books a Million
Whispers in the Woods Excerpts.
Tuesday, 4 September 2012

A Woman’s heart By Susanna Hargreaves
A woman’s heart is a journey of a grief. It isn’t full of hysterical tears and depression, even though loosing a child must be one of the worst tragedy’s a mother should ever have to endure. When the heart aches and the body feel weighted down by pain Sarah calls to god for help, and he sends help in the guide of her guardian angel, Arden. The story moves along quickly, and the characters introduced are engaging. London is a busy city, where people hurtle from A to B with no regard for others, yet Sarah doesn’t see the rush, only the experience of being somewhere that eases her pain. Susanna’s description of London is accurate and she has done her homework on researching it. You feel you are almost there with her descriptive flair.
A lovely short story that will lighten even the hardest heart.
I give this story five stars. Well worth reading
Monday, 6 August 2012
Peace Blitz
PEACE BLITZ! 73rd anniversary of the crash of the G-AESY one day Peace hop on Wednesday August 15th PEACE BLITZ!
Find a corner of your house that is quiet. That could be a bedroom, bathroom, conservatory or place in your garden. On a small table place a Rose quartz and Amethyst tumbled stone. If you have untumbled stones, they are even better.
Amethyst is very good for overworked, overstressed, or overwhelmed minds as it is very calming. Many people sleep with an Amethyst crystal under their pillow to give them a restful sleep. Rose quartz is a crystal that heals the heart of past and present emotional wounds. When placed together these crystals can balance the Heart, Mind, and Soul.
Burn some lavender incense, as lavender is a healer on all levels. You can have a small angel on your table if that is your desire. Archangel Raphael is a great angel to call in as he is a healer of the highest order. Light a small white candle or tea light and hold your crystals. Allow them to blend with you, while the lavender sooths your mind. Your hands might feel tingly, but this is quite normal. It is just the crystals working their magic. Sit comfortably and close your eyes for ten minutes and allow the crystals to remove anything from your heart and soul that no longer serves you. You can play soft music if you wish, or just sit in the peace and quiet of your mind.
A prayer of peace
May the angels always guide you
To eternal inner peace
Walk protected in their garden
Where stress and strain will cease
For this dear place is part of you
The garden is your mind
So find chair and sit a while
You’ll be surprised at what you’ll find.
Thursday, 28 June 2012
New Release

Have you seen my latest not!!! Psychic Development is about finding yourself. What is is not about is contacting the dead. There is such a misconception about our PSYCHIC self and our SPIRITUAL self. We are all born with psychic senses, but as we mature, sadly they are rarely used. Have you ever had that feeling that you’re being watched? Feel that your partner is ill, yet they are at work and you’re at home. These feelings are your inbuilt Psychic senses prodding you, almost begging you to pay attention. In this book you have a step by step guide telling you how to reawaken your inner defence mechanisms. By the time to reach the end of this book, no one will be able to lie to you again, because you will know in an instant. Should you take that job? You will listen to your gut feeling and know the right course of action.
The book also teaches you how to lower your own blood pressure, relieving stress on your body and helping your heart cope with the stresses of everyday life. This book literally will change your life for the better and that’s not hype. Its fact.
You will also receive a free Holistic Therapy E-Book when you purchase Psychic Development. A double bargain. Just email me your receipt and I'll send it to you right away.
If you have bought this book, please do leave your thoughts about it. Good or bad. I am truly interested.

BUY YOUR COPY. You won't regret it.
The best comment will get a FREE crystal pendulum from me as a thank you.
Thursday, 21 June 2012
Welcome to Diedre Havrelock

If you’re a fan of supernatural fiction then you will be captivated by this true story about a spiritually sensitive girl and the path that led to her possession. Part one of a two-part series, Saving Mary is the story of a modern-day Mary Magdalene—the woman from whom Jesus cast out seven demons.
Deidre Daily is drawn to anything seemingly spiritual, desperately seeking a spiritual existence. But inside this vibrant girl hides a terrified child who sincerely believes she has married the devil. Through a series of spiritual encounters her fear turns into reality, and she ends up possessed. Here is a bit about the author of Saving Mary.
Deidre’s fascinating spiritual memoir relays her story from childhood to adolescence: invisible eyes leering at her from the corner of her bedroom, horrible nightmares tormenting her, and her desperate attempt to find God—only to end up possessed. It is a candid account of possession from a first-person perspective. This dark memoir brings to light an intricate world of deceitful spirits hell-bent on manipulating and damaging an innocent girl’s life, not only through her dreams, but also through seemingly every-day encounters.
Deidre D Havrelock grew up in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada where she eventually met her husband to be, DJ. It was DJ who initially noticed Deidre’s dark state and worked to seek out someone willing to perform her exorcism. Eventually, the newlyweds found their way to the southern hot spot of Brooks, AB where Deidre began writing. From there the family trekked across eastern Canada to Moncton, NB where they learned to love French fries with cheese curds and gravy. Currently nestled in the hills of Kennewick, Washington, Deidre has two horses, one dog, three cats and too many rabbits…and let’s not forget her wonderful husband and three energetic daughters. Her memoir, Saving Mary: The Possession chronicles her dark childhood and the path that led to her demonic possession. She is currently working to finish book two of her spiritual memoir, Saving Mary: The Deliverance. You can find her here
Click book to buy,

To buy in the UK
Here is a small taster of this brillient, must have book.
Downstairs in Doug’s basement I say, “Welcome to the first meeting of the Ouija Club. Our goal is to find out where Fred lives, why he wants to talk to us”—Jason starts humming the Twilight Zone theme; I ignore him, “And who exactly Fred is.”
“He’s your freakin’ imaginary friend,” says Winston, lighting up a smoke.
Doug and I laugh. Tereena laughs too.
“That’s what I thought at first,” she says. “Just wait and see.”
In Doug’s basement is a wooden table, and on the top of it, with markers, we write the alphabet, the numbers one through nine with a zero at the end and the words “YES,” “NO” and “GOODBYE.” We also add our names to the table along with common words: and, but, or, this, that, so. All this helps communication go faster. And we use a longer ruler, a meter ruler, one that fits all our fingers. And we don’t let Doug start off the session just in case Beelzebub comes creepin’ back. Instead, I start. I lower the basement lights and then I take my place at our new round wooden Ouija.
I tell everyone, “Put your fingertips as lightly as possible onto the ruler. Hardly even let your fingers touch.” Everyone puts their fingers along the ruler. Winston sticks only one finger on the ruler. I ignore him and whisper, “Fred, are you here?”
FLOOSH! The meter ruler flies off the table.
“Holy crap,” goes Winston.
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