Today I’d like to introduce Romance author Raynene Burgess. Enjoy the interview and leave her a comment.
Here is a little more about her.
I’m 49 as of January 10th and my favorite subjects in high school and college were English and American history. Writing for an essay exam always brought me A’s in class—writing is definitely a strong talent of mine. I’d much prefer an essay exam over a multiple choice test!
I began writing non-fiction Christian devotionals (daily readings with a Scripture verse) in 1988. I published my first non-fiction devotional in 2001, “Good Morning, Father!” I currently have a second devotional completed that I’m submitting to agents. In 2000, I realized that, as much as I loved reading romance stories, I could probably write one, too. So, I sat down and started with a story I’d created in high school with all the characters and such. In 2006, that story, “Hopeful Chances” was published through an e-pub. My devotionals are with the same publisher. I’ve since completed another story, this one an inspirational titled, “Merry’s Go Round” that’s currently in rewrite mode. And, my first romantic suspense, “Killer Designs” is being submitted to agents as well.
Putting words on paper and describing details has always fascinated me. I actually do better with written words than I do verbally. There’s something about creating a story and filling up a blank page that’s exciting. When I sit down at my laptop and there’s a blank page in front of me, it can be a little scary—at least until I just start letting pictures come through my fingers and emotions and scenes and…well, there you go.
You can find out more about me on my website at Thanks for stopping by!
What drew you to write in your current genre?
I actually write in two genres: inspirational romance & romantic suspense.
How many novels have you written to date and are they all in the same genre?
I’ve written 3 novels to date. Only one’s published: Hopeful Chances, which is a contemporary romance. The other inspirational is Merry’s Go Round, which I’m currently doing rewrites on. My first completed romantic suspense is Killer Designs under my pen name, Sherre Pratt. I’m submitting it to agents both traditional and online.
How much time do you spent on plotting etc before you start writing?
LOL – I have to admit, I’m not much of a plotter. I’m a pantzer and it makes me a little goofy to try and plot out an entire story. However, I do sit down with the bare bones of a story and brainstorm. Then I go through and jot down possible scenes and where they might fit.
Where do you do most of your writing?
In my upstairs office during the week. I also meet with a fellow writer on Sunday afternoons and we do some serious writing then!
Looking back, what is the worst thing you have ever written?
The first draft of my current release, Hopeful Chances. It was 86’d in a hurry, let me tell you! What I’ve learned, however, is that as a writer, I have to be willing to write badly and learn from it.
Tell us about your latest release.
It’s not a release yet, but I’m submitting Killer Designs and am waiting to hear back. My contemporary romance, Hopeful Chances is about stolen thoroughbreds and a rediscovered love. You can find it at
How can your readers keep up with your news?
Go to my website, and sign up. When my readership begins to grow more, I’ll be sending out a monthly newsletter. I’m also on Facebook, but gosh darn it if I can remember my address there!
How do you deal with rejection letters?
Realize that most of them aren’t telling me I’m a bad writer—the house just isn’t necessarily publishing what I’m writing. The first thing I do then is to KEEP WRITING!
What do you think about celebrities writing book?
That can get a little old when everyone tries to get on the band wagon. But, there are some books that have had an impact on readers and that can be a good thing.
What do you advise about getting an agent?
Do your homework. And be patient.
What is your favourite part of writing?
Hmmm, getting to know my characters, I think and sitting back and giving them free rein when they want it. It’s interesting to see what they really want to say and do. The second favourite part of writing is to write THE END.
How do you get past all the frustrations that come with trying to be a successful writer?
I keep writing and think positive. I go to my romance group’s meeting (Carolina Romance Writers in Charlotte) and gain insight, share ideas and find encouragement there. I journal and I talk about what bothers me with my writing partner. You have to stay positive and associate with other writers. Share ideas, brainstorm and you’ll be surprised at what happens.
What do you like to read?
Romantic historical (mainly Stephanie Laurens) and especially Nora Roberts and J.D. Robb. When I’m not in a romantic mood, I love to James Patterson.
What actor/actress gets your pulses racing?
Actors Alec Ramsey & Richard Gere. Actress Julia Roberts is always a favourite.
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