I’d like to give a warm welcome to B. Swangin Webster, who is the author of two novels, Let Me Just Say This and its sequel And Again…Let Me Say This. Currently she is working on the final chapter in the series, which she has entitled, Once and For All--The final chapter
She currently works in a middle school in Waldorf Maryland and is married with five grown children and four adorable grandsons. She grew up in the Washington DC area, and calls Southern Maryland her home. She has over 200 novels, and has read all of them at least twice. Her passion, besides writing, is cooking. Her passions are writing, reading, and talking about the process of writing and being an author.
Good Morning B. Pull up a chair, grab a good old British cup of tea and let’s talk books. What drew you to write in your current genre?
Well, I wouldn't say that anything drew me to write fiction. It was just something that I always wanted to do. I have been categorized as urban fiction, however my storyline is universal, my characters weren't even African American until the publisher said that they were putting me under the African American section, which then caused me to tweak my story to make it a "black" couple.
Are you African American and will all your future books be along these lines?
Yes, I am black (African American) but I don't think all of my books will be along these lines. My first book, was really about a white couple, however, the publisher thought that since I was black, that my book was black, and I guess I should have spoken up about it, so I had to tweak the couple, and change them to be black.
So tell me, how many novels have you written to date.
So far I have written 2 novels, and working to complete the third one. They are all in the same genre, because the story turned into a "mini series" So book number 3 is the conclusion of the series, but just like television, there is a "spin off"
How intriguing. I do like trilogies where you can follow characters lives and growth over a larger period of time. How much time do you spent on plotting before you start writing?
I'm ashamed to say, but I don't spend anytime on plotting. Not all writers do this, however, a story will literally fall into my brain and I will sit at my laptop and start typing.
Don’t be ashamed. The only plotting I do are quick notes on my white board and I usually don’t stick to them! LOL So where do you do most of your writing?
Most of my writing is done, in my dining room. I have a small sofa in there, and I will sit there for hours and type. It has 7 windows, so the sunlight is such a great way to create my story and develop my storyline.
It sounds like a nice airy room. I like to write outside, mainly down the beach in the summer when I can get there. If you could look back, what do you feel is the worst thing you’ve ever written?
LOL, I hope I haven't written anything bad yet, and unless you count those poems I had to create in 2nd grade.
Oh, you’re so lucky. |I look back and something’s I’ve written make me want to cringe! Anyway, enough chit chat, lets get to the good part. Tell me about your latest release.
My latest release is the sequel to my first novel. Cheryl has divorced her abusive husband, but still allows him to dictate to her what she can/can not do in her life.
Can this book stand alone, or do readers have to get the first book to understand what’s going on in book 2?
Absolutely not. Book 2 stands alone, because it gives you a look back at the important events in book number 1. If you don't have book 1, please get book 2. You would be pleasantly surprised that you will know the characters and feel the emotions.
How can your readers keep up with your news?
Readers can follow my on my website, http://bswanginwebster.webs.com They can also keep up with my moves through facebook, by becoming a fan of bswanginwebster. I post my every move on there, unfortunately, I am not a Tweeter, yet.
Not a tweeter.....shame on you lol, be sure to add me when you become one!!
What do you think about celebrities writing book? It bothers me that they seem to get published because of who they are rather than what they have written.
Celebrities writing books....well, if they are telling a good story, than I'll buy it. But if they are only doing it "because they can" then I think they are setting a bad example. Not every celebrity is an author, just like not every athlete is a sportscaster.
I’ve blogged about agents so many times in the past. The ‘fors’ the ‘against’. What's your advice?
Getting an agent is a very tricky thing. If you want to have an agent, then you have to do your research. Every agent is out to make themselves money and then you get a percentage of your own hard work. Why give someone a percentage of your hard work, when you know the struggles and accomplishments. However an agent can get your foot in the door for bigger things. Agents, especially if you don't know them are in a business, and you are their business. I have an agent, but its someone that I know. Matter of fact, it’s a family member and she has my best interest at heart. Yes, I give her a salary, however, it is based on what she does, not what she "promises" to do.
That sounds like a really good partnership. Most authors rely on critique partners for an extra eye on when they are writing. Do you rely on anyone?
I rely on the general public. Listening while I am out at book club meetings, or other author events to people that have read my novels, lets me know if the story is believable, or if I need to turn the story in a different direction. I haven't been involved in a critique group, because here in Maryland, I can't find on. Hint Hint: if you are a critique group in Maryland, please send me an email. I would so love to join one.
Does it have to be in Maryland? My long term CP is in Turkey, but we work very well together.
Absolutely not. I would welcome joining any critique group. I would ideally like to join one with both white and black people, because being a black person, I don't want to pigeon hold myself to one group. Again, if ANY critique group is open for membership, let me know.
Well as it happens I belong to a very good critique site. www.critiquecircle.com It’s free to join. The best part of writing for me is when I write The End! Then I can finally relax. Do you have a favourite part of writing?
My favorite part of writing would have to be seeing the final product and getting feedback from people that read it. Knowing whether they loved, hated or were indifferent to it, makes it worthwhile for me.
Writing can be a very frustrating job. How do you get past all the frustrations that come with trying to be a successful writer?
I look at every frustrating moment as a stepping stone to get to my ultimate goal. You can't let negative comments or negative people stop you from realizing that you have something that you believe in. As long as you believe in it, that's all that matters.
Thats so true. I recently heard from someone who had a negative review for her novel, she was terribly upset. Which is natural. But as long as you know your work is good, negative comments like that just become a minor irritation. So what do you like to read?
I like to read anything that will entertain me. I'm a scaredy cat and don't like horror movies or anything scary, but one of my friends wrote a vampire book and I want to read it because it sounds like a winner, and she convinced me to try a paranormal romance novel, so I will most likely be ordering one of yours in the very near future.
LOL I write more about the spirit world than vamps or werewolves. But I hear you about horror films. I cannot watch them or read books about them. I just find the world bad enough, without reading/watching about blood and guts!!!
So what actor/actress gets your pulses racing?
Oh my gosh! I fear I am blushing.
Goodness, I can see your read cheeks from here. What ARE you thinking!!!!!
I’m thinking about Dennis Haysbert! Whew! He makes my motor run and makes my mouth water every time I see him on The Unit..or in an Allstate Commercial. That's part of the reason I have Allstate!...(should I even say that; that makes me seem a little crazy) LOL
You let your motor run, nothing wrong with that lol Its been an absolute pleasure speaking with you today and may your books sales flourish!
Wednesday Briefs: Dracula #35(8.1)
3 days ago
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