Good Morning. Today I am very pleased to have Jo Davis with me. To make her visit extra special, Virtual Book Tours are giving away a free gift of a book light and Journal, to a lucky commentator at the end of Jo's tour. Here is a bit a bit about her.
Jo Davis has published two books, several short stories and numerous web content pieces throughout the world wide web. She also writes periodically for the local news and is currently working on another local history text. Davis holds a bachelor's degree in English from Purdue University.
So have a nice cup of tea and tell me Jo, what drew you to write in your current genre?
I love reading thrillers, suspense and mysteries—twisted tales. It just seemed natural to write one.
I think genres do pull you. I’ve always been drawn to romance and the paranormal, so sometimes it just seems logical to combine them both when I write. So how many novels have you written to date?
Domestics is my first. I am editing my next novel entitled Carrying On. It is much lighter, a mystery with some humor.
I bet you’re as proud as punch with Domestics and to then write something completely different is such an achievement. Do you plot or are you like me, just going with the flow?
I generally go with the flow. Sometimes I will write notes in the margins about the plot or characters, but that is all the planning that I do.
I’m a bit if a nomad when I’m not in my office and I write wherever I end up with my laptop. Where do you do most of your writing?
Folded up on the couch, in bed or on the porch swing. I write longhand in one of those tall thick hardbacked lined journals that are about the size of a standard sheet of paper. Fiction is still a hobby for me, so I like to treat it like a leisurely activity for as long as I possibly can. My freelance writing (which funds the fiction) occurs in my office, at my desk.
Oh my goodness. Longhand!!!!! Then you type it all out? I think I’m too lazy to do that lol. Here is a question that’ll make you squirm! What is the worst thing you’ve ever written? Be honest, I won’t tell anyone!!!
It has to be a series of articles extolling the virtues of a company that I knew was a fraud. It was during my first year of freelancing when I took whatever work I could get my hands on. I regret having had a part in the project.
Now the interesting part. Tell me about your latest release.
Domestics is about a woman named Sarah who goes from being a miserable victim to an assassin for hire. She only goes after men, who like her late husband, victimize and abuse women. Sarah’s cover is a cleaning services and her cards are distributed in hospitals, grocery stores and other places that the women who need her frequent. The victims or their families call in for a quick interview. When Sarah utters the words, “Sounds to me like you need a housekeeper,” she is coming to clean house. The aggressor of the house usually doesn’t survive the cleaning.
You sound like a very busy lady. How can your readers keep up with your news?
Go to my website, where you’ll find links to all of my virtual tour appearances, to my live book tour and any press that I’ve generated—good or bad.
I have a real problem with celebrities writing books and getting published because I who they are. What do you think about it?
One word—ghostwriters. I actually applied for a ghostwriting gig that ended up being a celebrity book. I didn’t get the gig, but nowhere on the book did it say that the text was ghostwritten.
Do you know what, Jo, I had a feeling authors were being paid to ghostwrite some of them. It’s so darn irritating! I know your new to novel writing, but have you got any advice about getting an agent?
Research! I don’t have one, because the marketing through my publisher is awesome. However, you only get one shot to impress an agent so my advice is to do your research.
Most authors rely on critique partners for an extra eye on when they are writing. Do you rely on anyone?
My future sister-in-law has read everything that I have written. She is an avid reader who is brutally honest and does not hesitate to let me know when I am slacking.
It’s nice when the family show an interest. You’ll be amazed how many people don’t share their work with their nearest and dearest. So, what’s your favourite part of writing?
Creating the story. It is like getting to create my own little world. I have always been a daydreamer, and writing to me is like daydreaming. Editing is the work.
I hear you there! LOL There was me thinking I was the only ‘dolly daydreamer’! How do you get past all the frustrations that come with trying to be a successful writer?
I have a support system that I can turn to when things get frustrating. It helps that my husband is an aspiring writer too, because he can relate. Recently, he did point out that I bake when I receive frustrating news about my writing career. I really did not realize that! It makes sense. I came up with my famous cheese biscuit recipe after discovering that my previous publisher was a fraud. (Not Passionate Writer Publishing, they are the awesome guys funding my book tour.)
You bake! Wow. That’s constructive. I usually stomp about for a few hours and then my hubby buy’s me chocolate and I return to normal again! Just to let readers knew that you are a real person and not just a writing machine, tell me what do you like to read?
Everything. It is very hard to name just one author or book. Being on the Domestic Seduction tour with Omegia Keeys has exposed me to erotica. I ended up sneaking a peak at her latest novel Can You Keep A Secret. I needed some bedtime reading during our last tour stop in Little Rock. It was a book that I don’t recommend before bed, because I found myself fighting to stay awake until the end—I just couldn’t put to book down! Today, I plan to pick up the latest John Sandford novel that I saw in paperback at the grocery store yesterday.
I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Omegia. Her book does seem pretty fab, judging by the excepts. Well, thank you for visiting today.
Domestics is available where books are sold online. Pick up a copy signed by the author at
For more information on the Domestics Seduction Tour visit
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