Good Morning Everyone.

I would like to say I have a man in my boudoir today, unfortunately it is just business lol I am happy to have as a guest Martin Sharlow the author of Shades of Blood.
As usual, the best comment wins one of my fabbo gifts.
Hi Martin. Thanks for popping in today. Lets get right down to the interrogation
...um...I mean interview lol Can you tell us who inspires you to write?
...um...I mean interview lol Can you tell us who inspires you to write?
Morning Margaret. Thanks for having me here today. I have a need to create. It's really hard to define, and it can take shape or form in different ways. When I was younger, I use to role-play and build worlds for me and my friends to entertain ourselves in. When I was a teenager, I used to build imaginary worlds in my mind that I would populate and participate in as I did chores, worked, or just explore as I fell asleep that night. So I think I've always felt the need to create. When I started reading in my late teens, I discovered other worlds that people created through writing. I have to say that just spoke to me in a way that was similar to what I used to do when I was younger.
As to who inspires me to write? I would say that Robert Jordan was my first really big inspiration. He got me started writing fantasy. Amanda Hocking inspired me to write paranormal romance, specifically stories about vampires being the good guys, not the monsters that I grew up with in the movies.
Well this is a blog that LOVES paranormal romances, so you are already a hit with me lol What’s next on your writing agenda?
That's kind of hard to say. I have a whole slew of books, at least for story ideas written down. In fact I swear I come up with a new story multiple times a day. Usually I don't write them down and pretty forget them, unless of course one of them catches my eye. I have a half written novella that I intend to finish over the next week or two, and I'm supposed to start to actually physically write book 3 of my Fallen series. I've been working out the kinks in that, so now all I have to do is write it and edit it. So those are most likely my next two works.
Oh my god, you are busy. Okay, just for fun, how about you pick your favourite character from your new release and tell us about them.
Wow that's a hard one. I think the most interesting character is probably Sarah. As to my favorite…my readers probably won't believe me, but I'd have to say Melissa. I mean, after all, the story is about her, or at least her perspective. What I think is probably the best thing about her is watching her grow. In book 1, Melissa starts out as a naïve, sheltered young adult who's just starting out in her life. She's not very sure of herself, but sure enough to be out on her own. Some people don't like her, because they think she's too whiny. I think she's just the way she should be, since she comes from a sheltered life and finds herself thrust into a world that can't be real. I personally thinks she holds up pretty well.
I rather like the concept of seeing a character grown like that. Do you have any advice for new writers just staring out.
I think the best thing I can say to them is to know your audience. You need to know who you're writing for if you're expecting to have an audience for your work. I think as writers we get lost in our story without ever considering who we're actually writing for. That's fine and dandy when you're just writing for yourself and not for anyone else. But if you intend to have others read it, especially if you intend to make a career of it, then you need to know who your audience is. That, and seriously consider what your cover is going to look like. I find it strange that authors who create their own covers, or pay for one, treat them like their babies, the same way they protect and guard their stories. You have to be very subjective about your covers, and in fact you need to be willing to change them as necessary. You don't want your cover to look like it's a spy novel when it's about vampires. Unless of course it's about spies that are vampires.
Your book sounds like the sort of thing I'd like to read. Before you leave us please tell us where can your followers can find you.
I'm at several places, here let me give you a couple of links.
Okay, a tease question. If you could be anyone you like, who would you be?
Superman. No competition at all. I'm sure there's a lot of other good characters out there, and I can think of a few, but how can you compete with flying, super strength, perfect health, invulnerability, and of course immortality. Not to mention all the other things he can do. So I have to go with him hands down.
Well, you can fly by here anytimes Martin. Good luck with your books.
As to who inspires me to write? I would say that Robert Jordan was my first really big inspiration. He got me started writing fantasy. Amanda Hocking inspired me to write paranormal romance, specifically stories about vampires being the good guys, not the monsters that I grew up with in the movies.
Well this is a blog that LOVES paranormal romances, so you are already a hit with me lol What’s next on your writing agenda?
That's kind of hard to say. I have a whole slew of books, at least for story ideas written down. In fact I swear I come up with a new story multiple times a day. Usually I don't write them down and pretty forget them, unless of course one of them catches my eye. I have a half written novella that I intend to finish over the next week or two, and I'm supposed to start to actually physically write book 3 of my Fallen series. I've been working out the kinks in that, so now all I have to do is write it and edit it. So those are most likely my next two works.
Oh my god, you are busy. Okay, just for fun, how about you pick your favourite character from your new release and tell us about them.
Wow that's a hard one. I think the most interesting character is probably Sarah. As to my favorite…my readers probably won't believe me, but I'd have to say Melissa. I mean, after all, the story is about her, or at least her perspective. What I think is probably the best thing about her is watching her grow. In book 1, Melissa starts out as a naïve, sheltered young adult who's just starting out in her life. She's not very sure of herself, but sure enough to be out on her own. Some people don't like her, because they think she's too whiny. I think she's just the way she should be, since she comes from a sheltered life and finds herself thrust into a world that can't be real. I personally thinks she holds up pretty well.
I rather like the concept of seeing a character grown like that. Do you have any advice for new writers just staring out.
I think the best thing I can say to them is to know your audience. You need to know who you're writing for if you're expecting to have an audience for your work. I think as writers we get lost in our story without ever considering who we're actually writing for. That's fine and dandy when you're just writing for yourself and not for anyone else. But if you intend to have others read it, especially if you intend to make a career of it, then you need to know who your audience is. That, and seriously consider what your cover is going to look like. I find it strange that authors who create their own covers, or pay for one, treat them like their babies, the same way they protect and guard their stories. You have to be very subjective about your covers, and in fact you need to be willing to change them as necessary. You don't want your cover to look like it's a spy novel when it's about vampires. Unless of course it's about spies that are vampires.
Your book sounds like the sort of thing I'd like to read. Before you leave us please tell us where can your followers can find you.
I'm at several places, here let me give you a couple of links.
Okay, a tease question. If you could be anyone you like, who would you be?
Superman. No competition at all. I'm sure there's a lot of other good characters out there, and I can think of a few, but how can you compete with flying, super strength, perfect health, invulnerability, and of course immortality. Not to mention all the other things he can do. So I have to go with him hands down.
Well, you can fly by here anytimes Martin. Good luck with your books.
Hi Martin, Mags,
ReplyDeleteInteresting interview. Martin, you seem to be a fast writer. I'd love to be 'fast.' It takes me over a year to complete a novel. How do you do it?
Your series sounds like a winner. Good luck with the sales.
LOl. I'm not sure I'm fast. I wish I could write a lot faster then I do. I'd have to say that the novels write themselves more often then not. Since this is my occupation these days, I can make what ever time I need to work.