Today we welcome David Fingerman.
He is giving a copy of his book of short stories, 'Edging Past Reality' to a lucky commenter today. I’ll post who wins tomorrow.
It’s nice to have you visit today, David, so tell me, drew you to write in your current genre?
Hi Margaret. First off, thank you for letting me be a visitor on your site. I really appreciate being your guest. As to my current genre, I've always loved horror for as far back as I can remember. And this is going to date me ~ I remember when my folks bought their first color TV. I had a tantrum (yes, I was that young) because they wanted to watch golf (which was in color) at the same time the Outer Limits was on.
Stephan king is a well known horror author. Has he inspired you? Who else do you feel has?
Stephen King is most definitely one, but more than any other would have to be Harlan Ellison. I can't say I agree with everything he writes, but he always makes me think. What higher compliment can one give a writer?
I don't think there is one, david!
I know I’m always multitasking when it comes to writing, but what about you! How many novels have you written to date and are they all in the same genre?
"Silent Kill" is my first novel and I'm guessing it will be released within a month or so. I like to think of it as horror, but it's categorized as a Suspense/Thriller ~ which it certainly is that, also. "Spyder" (which I'm hoping will be released later this year) is more of an urban adventure. I just finished writing "Playing the Hand She's Dealt" which is a sequel to "Silent Kill." I just sent it in and am keeping my fingers crossed that it will be accepted. I've also got two unfinished horror novels that I'm playing with.
You sound like a busy man. Do you find time for hobbies?
I love to read, but I also watch way too much television. I used to play piano, and I'm trying to relearn that again. There's also a couple of small, but very nice bird sanctuaries that, when weather permits, is wonderful for walking through and freeing my mind.
I'm sitting here thinking what question to ask you I think I'm just a natural plotter!! Some writers feel the need to plan out their plots to the last detail. How much time do you spent on plotting before you start writing?
Initially, very little. I get an idea in my head and quick start writing. Once I see it on the computer screen, then I start flushing it out and spending more time with details. When I start a novel, I usually know how it's going to end. The trick is connecting the beginning and end with around 200-300 pages, while still keeping the reader compelled to keep reading. Then I have to spend a lot more concentration on plotting.
I hear you there. I find it more of a task making each page/chapter a page turner than the plotting task. I have a ‘handbag’ size laptop. So in the summer I go to the beach/park and write. Where do you do most of your writing?
I converted a room in my home into an office. The vast majority of my writing is done there. On rare occasion, when the weather is perfect, I'll take my laptop outside, but I get easily distracted.
I have to share this with you. Last year found an old novel I wrote in 2001. It really is cringe worthy!!! Looking back, what’s the worst thing you’ve ever written?
Oh my. Dare I say? I was going through some old boxes of stuff and found one of the first stories I ever wrote - before I got a computer. Complete with dozens of typos it was about an obese, sadistic kid. The story was incredibly stereotyped and predictable, not to mention horribly written. But I'm sure as it was with your old novel, wasn't it great to see how far you've come, and what a better writer you are now?
Most definitely. In those days I knew so little about 'how' to write.
So with my coffee in hand and sitting comfortably, we come to the best part. Tell me about your book.
(big smile) "Silent Kill" involves Louise Miller, a Minneapolis policewoman, and her brother, Andrew, who is a rookie Deputy Sheriff. One of Louise's (did I mention she's a lesbian?) friends on the force is missing. Without too big of a spoiler alert, a manhunt begins as she and her brother follow a trail of missing persons and bodies to track down her fellow officer's killer. The clues all seem to involve a certain rottweiler.
A Rottweiler!!! Now I’m really intrigued! Did you find writing from a gay woman’s pov hard?
I'm so glad you're intrigued! (devilish smile) As far as writing from a gay woman's pov, I was very self-conscious when I started, but once I got to know the character, it was just like writing any other character. I did show parts of the novel to a couple of gay friends of mine (one male and one female) for critique. They both really liked Louise and thought she sounded very credible. They also appreciated the fact that it wasn't "in your face preachy gay" (their words). She's just a human being that happens to be a lesbian.
Now I’m sure there'll be a lot of people wanting to know you, David. How can your readers keep up with your news?
I'm so glad you asked. My website is That's where I keep my blog, list of events, a link to order my books, and other incredibly fascinating stuff about me (excuse me, I just choked on my tongue). You can also follow me on twitter at
I’ll wait a few seconds for you to get your tongue back! How well do you think these networking sites work for you?
Lol. Thank you. Some have worked very well ~ others, not so much. I tried placing ads on a couple of sites and other than maybe a few extra hits on my website, they did nothing. But I have made a number of friends and word of mouth more than anything has helped sales. That being said, I still have so much more to learn!!!
I’ve had enough rejections to paper my entire house. Have you had any, if so, how do you deal with them?
LOL. Yup, I can paper my house too. I've gotten numb to them a long time ago. Special rejects go in a separate file – those are the ones where the editor wrote a very nice personal note. And then there's the other extreme. One reject was the first page of my story with a small post it note attached saying "no." The rest of them go in a drawer and I resend the story or manuscript. It's all part of the game. I justify it by telling myself that the publisher who rejected it is an idiot (except for the ones who send a very polite note as to why they rejected it – I respect them). Then I get over it and move on.
I always say one publishers rejection is anothers acceptance.
It irks me sometimes when we, writers, struggle to get a bite, yet celebrities write a book and it’s snapped up. What do you think about celebrities writing books?
(gnashing teeth) Don't to get me started?
WOW, big teeth.....LOL I take it your with me on that score then!
Irked is putting it very nicely. I'm getting more irritated thinking about it. I might have to do a rant on my own blog now. I'm guessing you don't want an entire rant here.
As writers we all know it’s always better when someone is representing you. What's your advice about getting an agent?
LOL. Good luck. I did search for an agent for a while but wasn't all that successful. I think if you're set on going with a major publisher, they're a must. I switched to concentrating on mid-size and smaller publishers. Being a bit on the impatient side, I preferred going straight to the publisher. That also bypassed a step which sped things up considerably. And besides, there's no guarantee an agent is going to sell your book. I found L & L Dreamspell, the publisher I'm now signed with, without an agent. I'm extremely happy with them.
Most authors rely on critique partners for an extra eye on when they are writing. Who do you rely on and why?
I belong to two writers' groups, and I find them both invaluable. Both of them catch things that I miss (and catch things the other group may miss), they tell me what works and what doesn't. It's also a wonderful support system. Plus, it's a great way to meet other writers around town and to network.
I know exactly what you mean. I belong to and have made so many friends over the years from this site, as well as gained valuable input for my novels.
I'm not familiar with critiquecircle. I'll have to check them out. Thanks.
You're very welcome.
My favourite part of writing a book is when I write 'The End' and I breathe a sigh of relief. What would you say is your favourite part ?
I certainly share that sigh of relief at the end too, but I really enjoy the beginning. I read that first chapter just after completing it, and I know that if I'm hooked, the reader will be too. That really gets me enthused to keep going. But writing as a whole, sitting alone in my room and letting my imagination soar ~ not having to answer to anyone is my favorite part. And on those occasions when the words flow, it's quite a natural high.
Over the years I’ve swung from stamping my feet, hair pulling tantrums and crying when things go horribly wrong with plots, and dare I say, with my computer!! So how do you get past all the frustrations that come with trying to be a successful writer?
Oh, the memories you just brought back. In between typewriter and computer I bought a word processor. The story I was writing flowed. I wasn't going to stop until I finished, which I did at about 3am. I thought it was the best story that I'd ever written. Tired and not being able to see straight, I pressed delete instead of save. Because I wasn't saving anything while I was writing, it was gone. There was absolutely nothing I could do to bring it back. The happy ending to that story ~ when I got over the shock and mourning, I rewrote it. It was the first story that I ever got published.
But I digress. Back to your question ~ It's still quite a learning experience to me. When "Edging Past Reality" came out last year (my book of speculative fiction short stories ~ and an incredible book you should buy if you don't already own a copy) I was very frustrated with the marketing and promoting end. I'm basically shy and an introvert so it was very difficult getting out and setting up readings, signings, approaching the independent bookstores to carry my book, etc. I was way out of my element and comfort zone. I got past it by the desire of wanting people to read my work. Now that I've done it, it's not as hard, but given my choice, I'd much rather stay locked in my room and write.
Yes, I agree. I’m not one for book signs but isn’t it great seeing your books on the shelves.
Isn't it though. I saw my book at the library once and took it to the librarian and asked if she could see how many times it had been checked out. It had been checked out eleven times in the six months it had been there. That definitely felt good. Things like that make it well worth the effort.
I've done that too
Although I write romance and paranormals, I love to read historical. What do you like to read?
It depends on my mood, and I do go through phases. My fave is probably suspense. I also read a lot of mysteries and horror, then read biographies and history for a bit.
So you won’t be reading my romances then lol
Well, I am trying to expand my horizons. Paranormal fascinates me. So yes, I'll give your writing a try. Now I did try reading a Jackie Collins book once and couldn't get past the first chapter ~ just not my thing. So if you write in her style, I'm not going to get too far. ; )
No, I’m more heart throbbing, fighting, with a bit of spice, romance
Now here’s a question that’ll make you blush!!
What actor/actress gets your pulses racing?
Hmmm, I guess it depends on the movie I'm watching. If it's a great movie, there are a lot of actors/actresses that will get my pulse racing (of course that has to do with the writing). Those same actors and actresses can be in a piece of crap and they'll do nothing for me. Okay, now that I've totally copped out ~ I think Julianne Moore is an amazing actress and I'd love her to play Louise in the movie version of "Silent Kill."
Well, that’s it from David. It's been a pleasure. Please leave a comment. He’ll love to hear from you.
Wednesday Briefs: Dracula #35(8.1)
3 days ago
David: Silent Kill sounds like an interesting read. I'm curious why Louise is a cop, but her younger brother is a sheriff: similar but not. What's the story there?
ReplyDeleteI like using my netbook outside to write.
ReplyDeleteHi Kelly. Both are interested in law enforcement but they decided on different paths. Truth be told, it had to do with plot. Being a cop, Louise is pretty much stuck in Minneapolis. As a sheriff's deputy, Andrew has a much wider range that covers the entire county. A lot of the story takes place outside of the city.
ReplyDeleteHi Rouge - it is nice to write outside, but I find that I'm much better disciplined when I'm in my office.
ReplyDeleteGreat interview Margaret and David! I'm so fascinated! I have to agree with you on the agent part of publishing. Most agents won't pick you up unless they are sure your book will sell, and most larger publishing companies are only picking up well known authors, hence the agent thing. But I loved this interview, I felt like I was actually there. Great job you two. I can't wait to learn more David!
ReplyDeleteThis was a pleasure to read!!
ReplyDeleteHey BK - Thanks so much. I looked at statistics of some successful agents, and all that I saw sell a very small percentage of what they represent. Didn't seem worth it to me.
ReplyDeleteHi MrsRoadRunner. I'm glad you enjoyed. It was a lot of fun to do.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your book, David. Give me a nudge when the next one's available. xx
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, Margaret. You do a great interview!
ReplyDeleteHi Margaret! And hello David! I followed your Gather post here..:-) Always do whatever I can to support a writer and a Gatherer!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the support and for stopping by, Ruthi. Great to see you.
ReplyDeleteNeat interview. Nice to learn so much more about you and your writing.
ReplyDeletethanks so much for stopping by, sheila.
ReplyDeleteGreat interview, Dave. Ah, the "delete" horror story is one I know too well. If you don't do book signings, what events do you do to promote your book? (Blog tours, right?)