Hello, I'm Omegia Keeys and my new release is called Seduction.com. I've been in the military for 12 years and in 2006 I wanted to try my hand at something different. I decided to write my first novel and get it published. I've a BA in Criminology because at one point I actually thought about becoming a lawyer. I've always been a writer, normally focusing on poems and short stories that went in my journal, so actually stepping away from that was a big task. Funny, I can carry an M16 but the thought of being published terrified me.
Seduction.com is the follow up to Passionate Playmates and so far I've heard nothing but great things about it. I think I've finally found my nitch.
Hi Omegia, it’s so nice to have you here today to launch the Virtual Book Tour of 2010. Today Omeigia giving away an autographed copy of SEDUCTION COM to the first person who comments. Now thats a bargain!!
So tell us Omeigia, what inspires you to write?
I am inspired to write because I love to communicate with an audience and get their feedback, but this has not always been the case. Growing up I used to write and keep it to myself, because where I came from it was not cool to be smart and definitely a no no to write things that were not homework.
In high school I was given an assignment by my English teacher. It was my time to shine and I knew what I turned in was my best work to date. The teacher handed me back a C. After class I questioned the teacher because there was nothing marked wrong on the essay. Her answer "a C is good and she was helping me out." In my world, and how I was raised, and even on the school grading system, a C is average - not good. For the next year every time I turned something in I agonized over it and even had other teachers critique it, yet I still got a C. It was not until my last week of school that I found out she gave all the minority students C's without ever reading our work. In her mind she was helping. For me she actually did. She taught me how to perfect my work, so in a way she was my first inspiration.
Wow, Omegia. How amazing you can turn something so negative around and make it such a brillient positive in your life.
So tell us what age group is your work geared towards?
18 and older. I get very detailed in my scenes.
Ahh, that means a little raunchy, huh!
Can you tell us which genre would you say your work falls into. Why is that?
Erotic Fiction is my focus. I am talking about the adult industry, but more of the sensual aspect of it. Nothing at all like porn.
I’m glad you’ve mentioned that. So often Erotic writing is lumped together with porn. As a writer of erotica, do you feel you need to explain this to friend and family a lot?
Not at all, I have huge support from my number one fan, my mother, and my friends have always known me to go against the grain. I normally have to explain this to hard core romance readers. One thing about my character Erika, she is a one man kind of girl. She just saw an opportunity to have a taste of the billion dollar industry and went for it, but it does not define the woman she is or me.
Come on, spill the beans. Now we’re dying to know. What’s your book about.
Seduction.com finds my character, Erika aka Ecstasy as she is thriving on her adult website. She has grown and matured from, just being a sex kitten at a lingerie modelling shop, to actually being in charge and providing her girls a safe environment to entertain men. As the story progresses she tries to open up an elite club and hits some stumbling blocks because of someone from her past and the city frowning out the industry itself. This novel gives you an up, close and personal view of the industry.
Your book sounds hot and risky. My kind of book >G< Where on earth did you do all your research for it.
I went to a few local strip clubs with a few of my guy friends and had a ball. Once I told the women in there what I was doing they just opened right up to me. They even convinced me to get up on stage…clothes on. My hats off to the ladies that can climb that pole, I sure couldn't.
I think I’d have a problem doing that as well LOL
A lot of authors bond with their characters, I know I do. So who is your favourite character and tell us why why?
Erika is my favourite because she is a mother, business woman, and even though she is dealing with the adult industry, she has strong morals and a no nonsense attitude with a bit of humour.
Erika sounds like a strong woman. Do you always make your women characters “Alpha” women?
Not at all. My next character, Monica, in Can You Keep a Secret has been run over her entire life. However, I am an Alpha woman.
I's like to think that part of me is an Alpha woman too. Us women need to be strong nowadays. It’s not just a man’s world anymore!!
I know I’m influenced greatly by other writers. Who would you say have influenced your work. Why is that? Have you got a favourite books in any genre?
Zane influenced me a lot because she was the first author I read that was erotic. I used to read plenty of romance, but most of those stories seemed so unrealistic to me and I knew they could never truly happen to me. Her writing, outside of the sex, seemed more like things I was dealing with in my life at the time.
I also love John Grissom and horror novels.
Not that we’re implying that romance writers aren’t great, of course. Being one myself >G< Do you mean you like a dose of reality in your reading? Maybe more true to life for you personally?
Yes. When I say that I do mean MY Life and the things I have been through. I love the romance; it's just not something that has ever happened to me. So far I have still been kissing a lot of frogs. I know some friends that have had the same experience. I had to find something to make another group pick up a novel and read it. I still have my old copies of Beula Land Romance novels in a box somewhere and no, they will not end up in a garage sale, no matter how many times I move.
I hear you with the frog kissing. Although my experiences were more with toads lol
Knowing my writing process is manic, what’s yours like? I’m obsessive about background work, do you do a lot research? Do you plot every detail or do you prefer the characters to move the story in new directions? Do you belong to a critique group and do you find this helpful?
For my erotic books I took a few trips to the strip club and did some online research. I really wanted to get into how these ladies work and thought and their mannerisms. Overall I have a general idea of the beginning and end, but my characters tend to move the middle. Because of my genre I really don't belong to a critique group, but I do post some of my work online for comments and that has been very helpful.
Oh good. So their is a critique niche for erotic writers to. I belong to a fabulous critique group.www.critiquecircle.com. Not that I’m plugging!! But some of their feedback has been invaluable to me over the years.
I know you probably get asked this question a lot. But I’m going to ask again anyway, do you have any advice for young or beginning writers?
Keep writing and get your story out. Not everyone is going to praise your work so take whatever people say and grow from it.
That’s so true. I always say one publisher’s rejection is another’s acceptance.
So we’re all dying to know, who is your publisher?
My publisher is Passionate Writer Publishing www.passionatewriterpublishing.com.
Are there e-books and hard copies available and where are your books available?
Paperback at the moment. The E-books will be out soon.
You can find both Passionate Playmates and Seduction.com here
You can buy both my book here
What’s your website and/or blog where readers can learn more? Can they friend you on Facebook or other sites?
My website is www.omegiakeeys.com or www.domesticseduction.webs.com
You can find me on Facebook and Twitter
know that people are going to want to meet you. So are there any upcoming signings or appearances you'd like to mention?
At the time of this interview I am at the Arkansas Literary Festival in Little Rock and am currently on the Domestic Seduction Book Tour with fellow author Jo Davis.
Well, that’s it from Omegia. What a fascinating lady.Thanks a lot for taking the time to be with us today. I wish you great sales with you new release.
Thank's for having me, Margaret.
Wednesday Briefs: Dracula #35(8.1)
3 days ago
Lawyer huh? Again BRAVO! 2 in one day lol....and strip clubs are fun lol.